Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tying this to that ...

An excerpt from “Heroification: How Adiles' Process of Magical Idealization Explains the Heroes of the Covenant”

Recent research by Underscrivener Arvos Adiles has given us insight into the efforts of certain extraplanar beings to capture or control what the Doorkeepers call our 'Crystal Sphere' – our universe, to the layman. Those efforts typically involve a process Ardiles calls 'Idealification,' which he describes as “a magical half-conversion through unknown processes which renders Everything Solid and Perceptible into a more palatable and digestible energy-form.” This process was most noticeable in the run-up to the so-called Devourer Invasion of two centuries ago, which was thwarted by the small group of adventurers known now as the Heroes of the Covenant.

This paper proposes a second process which is perhaps a corollary or side-effect of Adiles' Idealification. We call this process the Hero Process, and believe it is caused by the dwoemers which push local matter up the energy well (such as the ones Adiles identifies in his work). As the invader-being or beings prepare the matter of our universe for consumption, our universe seems to respond by empowering small groups of individuals to conform to the Ideal of the Hero. We see these effects in the rapid and unpredictable rise of Wyn A'rienh, Kerrick the All-Powerful, et al.

Furthermore, we wish to demonstrate, through some simple and repeatable experiments, that the process seems to be underway once again. We do not speculate as to causes or potential outcomes.

1 comment:

  1. This campaign note ties this campaign to another very gonzo campaign I ran about five years ago. The PCs were known as Heroes of the Covenant, and the game climaxed with the Heroes defeating an invasive extraplanar entity called the Devourer.

    The new players in Gonzo Temple have heard a lot about the Heroes and how insane both the power-levels and the action was; this is me telling them to get their big-girl panties on, because they're going down that road, too.
